When I receive your first message to me - unless I am on holiday - I will contact you within two working days and will offer you a free, twenty-minute, online Meet and Greet session.
In advance of this, I will also send you an initial basic information form so that this info can be shared without taking away time from what you want to talk about.
If, after the Meet & Greet, we decide to work together, we will arrange three sessions. These allow us to work together to begin exploring your questions and issues.
After these three initial sessions, we will take stock of things, to see if we are on track and if therapy is working for you.
At this point, you may decide that you have got what you wanted and we can finish our work. Alternatively, it may be clear that there is more to do.
Should you wish to continue, we would do so, making any necessary changes to the work to ensure its best fit with you and your needs.
We would then continue to work, until such a time that an ending seems right. This can be planned in blocks of sessions, or on a session-by-session basis, according to your preference.